With regard to classroom management, I believe that there are two components: expectations and work.  Expectations involve knowing exactly what to expect in my class.  In order to do this, I establish a set of rules that, for the most part, have to do with mutual respect, hard work, safety and caring.  After I have explained the rules, I then explain what the consequences of breaking the rules will be.  First, there is a warning.  If the problem persists, there will be a second warning.  If there is no change in the student’s behavior, I will hold a conference with the student.  If that proves ineffective, I will bring it to the attention of the student’s parents.  The most important part of this is being consistent.  Once the kids realize that I will actually follow this process, most behavioral infractions will not proceed beyond the first warning.   The other component to good classroom management is keeping the students engaged in work that is meaningful, challenging, and enjoyable.  For if the lessons make sense , are challenging but doable, and enjoyable, the students will have neither the time nor the occasion to misbehave.

See attached expectation contract and safety rules:


Classroom safety rules

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I believe that free choice is an important motivator for students, however, this does not mean that my students have total free choice in how to proceed with the design process. My students need to set goals, make a work schedule, reflect on their daily activities and evaluate their (and my) goals at the end of each course. My expectations and my goals for them are being discussed at the start of each course, but for each project the students will receive a grading rubric to monitor and determine their own grades and process. See samples:

Daily Log

Evaluation Intro to Industrial Design

New Inventions Assignment

Evidence of learning for Intro to Industrial Design

The above mentioned documents have been removed and can be found on: www.teacherspayteachers.com   Look for Steamteacher